Performance Qualification (PQ) Explained

Performance Qualification (PQ) is a critical step in the validation process of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment and processes. PQ ensures that the equipment or system is functioning properly and that it meets its intended requirements and specifications.

What is Performance Qualification (PQ)?

Performance Qualification (PQ) is the final step in the qualification process of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment or processes. PQ is performed after the Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ) have been completed. The PQ process is designed to test the equipment or system’s performance under actual operating conditions to ensure that it meets the intended performance requirements.

How is PQ Performed?

PQ involves testing the equipment or system under normal operating conditions to verify that it meets its intended specifications. This involves testing the system’s functionality, accuracy, reliability, and repeatability. The PQ process is typically performed over an extended period to ensure that the equipment or system is functioning correctly and consistently over time.

The PQ process involves the following steps:

  1. Establishing Test Parameters: The first step in the PQ process is to establish the test parameters. These parameters are defined in the user requirements specification (URS) and are used to determine the acceptable performance of the equipment or system.
  2. Developing Test Protocols: After establishing the test parameters, the next step is to develop test protocols that define the testing procedures and the acceptance criteria for each test.
  3. Performing Testing: The equipment or system is tested using the test protocols developed in step 2. The testing process involves verifying that the equipment or system performs as intended under actual operating conditions.
  4. Analyzing Test Results: After the testing is complete, the test results are analyzed to determine if the equipment or system meets its intended performance requirements.
  5. Documenting Results: Finally, the test results are documented in a performance qualification report that includes a summary of the test procedures, results, and conclusions.

Best Practices for PQ

To ensure a successful PQ process, it is essential to follow best practices, including:

  1. Use qualified equipment: Only qualified equipment should be used in the PQ process to ensure that the testing is accurate and reliable.
  2. Use trained personnel: Trained personnel should perform the PQ testing to ensure that the testing is performed correctly.
  3. Develop comprehensive test protocols: Test protocols should be developed that clearly define the testing procedures and acceptance criteria for each test.
  4. Perform testing under normal operating conditions: Testing should be performed under normal operating conditions to ensure that the equipment or system performs as intended.
  5. Document all testing and results: All testing and results should be documented in a performance qualification report that includes a summary of the test procedures, results, and conclusions.


Performance Qualification (PQ) is a critical step in the qualification process of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment and processes. The PQ process ensures that the equipment or system is functioning properly and meets its intended performance requirements. Following best practices, such as using qualified equipment, trained personnel, and comprehensive test protocols, is essential to ensure a successful PQ process.

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